Wednesday 2 October 2013

Why Anne Frank's diary should not be criticised

Diary of a young girl- Anne Frank

Everyone has their own reasons for writing reviews and usually they are written to help others to decide whether to read the book or not. Sometimes I like reading reviews after reading the book to know other people's perspective, is there something I missed. I picked up 'Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank' pretty late (came to know that people have read it in their  teenage) and of course I loved it. I did not think that I will ever have to write on this world-famous book which has a cult following. However, it was and still is difficult for me to believe that its written by a 13 year old girl in spite of the diary's authenticity established. So, this time I wanted to read the reviews to know whether someone else felt the same.

Every reader should understand the difference in opinions, the books that you may like or  love may be disliked/hated by others. Somehow, the negativity about this book impacted the sentimental reader in me enough to write about it. They complain how the book is about a teenager's ranting, boredom and adolescence problems.

Complaining about rantings and adolescence, of course ,she is a teenager and much more matured than the average ones in our age could ever be. The girl is philosophical, has depth and understanding that comes only from real suffering. I fail to understand that what exactly did people want from her?

People found the book boring, I would like to see what people would/could write and if in a better way when  they are in a confinement for 2 years with death looming at each knock on the door.
And one reader mentioned that the book did not cover horrors of Holocaust. The longing  to see the sky, a wish to just walk freely on the road is not grim? I guess, only when you are gased in a chamber does the brutality strike.

I may have loved it more than others as it is my first book on Holocaust (actually that period as the book is not exactly on Holocaust) but that does not mean, that book would have meant less to me if I had read others. There are people who have read a lot on Holocaust, and they did not find the book to their taste. But then this book was never about Holocaust/wars/Jews, it is not even a book. It is a diary of a 13-year old girl who was suddenly deprived of her childhood and was confined for 2 years in a bunker, Secret Annexure. Why did these well-read people came looking for Holocaust's details in a teenager's diary. She was confined into a place and they expect her to produce grim details about Holocaust and the war, the brutality. How, care to explain?

I can go on and on but I will have to stop because I am feeling angry again. And its hard for me to believe that Anne after all the suffering believed, that people are really good at heart. Next time when you choose a book, read the title and excerpt and know what to expect.

Favorite Quotes from the Diary

"You can be lonely even when you are loved by many people, since you are still not anybody's one and only."

"People who have a religion should be glad, for not everyone has the gift of believing in heavenly things."

"I can't imagine how anyone can say: "I'm weak," and then remain so. After all, if you know it, why not fight against it, why not try to train your character? The answer was: "Because it's so much easier not to!"

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."

"Because paper has more patience than people. "

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